Day Three: Thursday Bay

Day three began overcast, with rain threatening to come just as it had the night before. We'd be leaving Basswood River and the campsite for good, so we all said our goodbyes.

Our route took us past Lower Basswood Falls and the Indian pictographs once more, seeing quite a few eagles along the way. The trip up Crooked Lake wasn't too difficult, though the wind was in our face. We then curled around Wednesday Bay, pretty much straddling the Canadian border the entire time.

For lunch we had smoked sausage and a bit of gorp, all of which filled us up quickly. It's worth noting here that each campsite, including our lunch stops, have a designated small clearing that includes a fire grate and box latrine. The parks department maintains these areas periodically, but it's up to each guest to leave it a little better than they found it.

We pressed on in search of a suitable campsite facing West, so that we could take in the sunset. Here, though, we began to see more canoeists and they had all taken our preferred campsites. So we back tracked until we found one we liked on Thursday Bay. Our speed that day was quick. On average we had traveled nearly 10 miles an hour.

BWCA Wilderness

Thursday Bay is a relative large lake with beautifully blue water. So, after such a long day of rowing, we took a refreshing swim.

We cooked freeze dried chicken and rice for dinner, with a berry desert. We saw no more bears on the trip but we continued to make friends with the numerous squirrels and chipmonks which visited our campsites. Though I didn't think it was possible, the stars that night shone brighter than even the first two nights of our trip.

Click here for notes and pictures of day four.


Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
Experiencing the BWCAW, August 2009

Outfitted by Jordan's Outfitters
© Copyright 2009 Joshua Claybourn. All Rights Reserved.